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  • The FASTEST way to add files to the WordPress Media Library

  • Reduce upload times and web server load by upto 90%

  • Bulk Overwrite existing files. A real time saver and a must have for any WP site.

  • Unlimited upload file size. No more file exceeds the maximum upload size for this site errors.

  • Add modern image formats, WebP / AVIF, to your PNG, JPG, and GIF images.


WP Media Uploader is all about reducing upload time while minimizing web server load. To verify the performance improvements when using.WP Media Uploader, we performed several upload tests and compared WordPress Media Library (wpml) and WP Media Uploader (Me Up) upload times and CPU usage.

Upload tests:

  • 221 high-quality jpg images and all the media sizes (20 20 theme)
  • Same 221 high-quality jpg images with only the thumbnail media size
  • 200 Microsoft word files
  • 200 PDF files

Click here to see the testing details.

How did we do? Check the graphs below for the stellar results.

Click or tap the image to expand the view


Media Sizes

Select which media sizes are to be applied to uploaded files. Uses the current WordPress setting for available media sizes. Similar to the WordPress plugin Disable Generate Thumbnails.

For more details as to why you might want to limit your image sizes, see the Image Sizes article over at

Disable PDF Thumbnail Previews

Stop WordPress from generating PDF preview thumbnails. See the article Disable PDF Previews over at as to why you may want to use this feature.

Set import directory based on custom time

If checked, “Set the imported date to  File Time”, files are moved to the year-month-based folders based on file modification time. You can also select a custom date by clicking on “Custom“.

Really useful if you’re starting a new website and have older files you would like to have entered into the WordPress media library by their date.

Requires the ” Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders” WordPress Media setting to be enabled.

Image Processing

Only applied if Optimize Original Image is enabled.

  • Resize
  • Adjust quality
  • Auto-rotate
  • Remove metadata (EXIF)
  • Progressive output
  • Add watermark
Convert PNG to JPG

Only applied if Optimize Original Image is enabled.

Covert all or just non-transparent images. Converted images are passed along to any image processing you have enabled.


No more deleting, renaming, and re-uploading files!

To overwrite existing files, the files must have the same name and extension and reside in the selected upload directory. You can also replace the media attachment’s date.

Similar to Easy Media Replace plugin by ShortPixel.

Bulk overwrite comes to WordPress!

Unlimited File Size

Files that exceed the web server size limit are broken into chunks and reassembled on the web server once all chunks have been uploaded. Say goodbye to exceeds the maximum upload size for this site upload errors.

Add WebP/AVIF formats to PNG, JPG, and GIF images

Using the WebP image format, your images can be smaller in file size than GIF, PNG, and JPEG without losing quality. This makes your website load faster and saves bandwidth. WebP conversions that are larger than the original file are not saved. You’ll need a compatible Image Optimizer plugin to display WebP images on your site. Check the Knowledge Base for a list of available plugins. See the post How To Use WebP Images in WordPress for info on how to set up and test WebP images on your site.

AVIF is another modern image format with additional features not found in the WebP format.AVIF conversions that are larger than the original file are not saved. You’ll need a compatible Image Optimizer plugin to display AVIF images on your site. Check the Knowledge Base for a list of available plugins.


What happens if I do not renew my annual license? Will WP Media Uploader continue to work?

WP Media Uploader requires an active license to upload files. Without an active license, you will not be able to upload files.

How do I see WordPress server changes in the WP Media Uploader app

After making changes to your WordPress site configuration, just click the desktop app’s refresh icon (next to the site url) ( Show Me ).

Does WP Media Uploader modify my documents

No – WP Media Uploader doesn’t modify or delete any of your original media files. Also, no temporary media files are created by WP Media Uploader, so there is no need to worry about SSD wear.

I’m having a problem, how do I contact support

Please use the ticket-based help desk system available at WP Media Uploader Help Desk.

You can also open a support ticket from your WP Media Uploader desktop app ( Show Me ).

Download 3 Day Free Trial Today!

WP Media Uploader Desktop App Requirements

  • Windows 10 / Windows 11 x86 (64 bit)
  • macOS 10.15 or higher (Intel)
  • macOS 12.3.1 or higher (Apple)

WP Media Uploader WordPress Plugin Requirements

  • WordPress 5.4 or higher
  • PHP version 7.4 or higher
  • IIS Web Server – not supported
  • WordPress multi-site – not supported

WP Media Uploader WordPress Plugin Installation

  1. Download the zip file from this page.
  2. Upload it from the Plugins >> Add New > Upload page.

Getting Started

Purchase a 12 month single domain license – $11.99